New Location for BESt 2024 Summer Program


Enrollment Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time, under-represented minority(1) freshman (BESt I), sophomore (BESt II), or junior (BESt III) student currently enrolled in a St. Louis regional high school (St. Louis City, St. Louis and St. Charles, MO counties, and Madison, St. Claire, IL counties)
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher based on a 4.0 scale.
  • High-potential students, participating in at least one extra-curricular activity or organization.

Application Criteria

Students must apply online before the current year application deadline of TBD. All completed applications must include required information including copies of  current high-school transcript and a written essay specific to BESt Healthcare.

Please review the application form before applying.

Compensation Criteria

BESt students have the opportunity to earn a cash stipend of up to $400 (BESt I), $400 (BESt II), or $500 (BESt III). Stipends are awarded based on merit, attitude, and overall performance. Students who do not meet program expectations will have their stipend decreased or revoked based upon the severity of the violation.

[1] American Indians or Alaska Natives, Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders